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Jun 6, 2016


Yes, break up sucks, truly. You will feel lousy, rejected, heartache, worthless, insecure, etc, not just being sad alone. For the past few months after the break up, I had learnt a lot, whether it's the things he said, or the information I read online & offline. Break up happens for various reasons, & let's just face it that no matter how long, or short the relationship is, it still sucks. But hey, actually, it isn't that bad afterall with this kinda experience. Am I crazy saying something like that, despite I already know it truly hurts? LOL, No I'm not crazy. "Things happen for reasons, good & bad"... isn't that what people said? It's true. You can't build a stronger characters without going through certain events of life. You're learning, not drowning... only if you have courage to take the first step as "moving-on" & "letting-go".

There are tons & hundreds of ways for dealing with break-up, or getting your ex back. Initially, my intention was to get him back at all cause by pleading & begging which made me sound so desperate & depressing. It indicates a true fact that I had come off as a low-valued woman in his eyes for doing all those silly things. Besides, it annoys him even more, & making him to pull a distance away from me. Truly, but sadly. I know how it feels when someone keeps pestering me; it's really annoying by bombarding someone with depressing texts... Sometimes, we tend to forget to put ourselves into someone else's shoes. Since pleading & begging had failed to make him come back to me, I began to spend time & money on certain e-books written by love-experts. I come across a method; "No-contact" period. During these 30 days of "No Contact Period", you're not supposed to text or even call your ex, & finding time to improve yourself as well.

It has been almost a week now since I last contacted my ex. We were kinda like friends now after the break-up, but he has been very cold towards me for the past few months. In fact, I can understand why, & the reasons behind his behaviour due to my immaturity & being annoying. After spending time reading self-improvement books that I bought few years ago, & doing things I'm passionate about, I began to find myself back again while realizing how happy I am now & free from argument.

The best way to deal with break-up isn't just getting busy for the sake of it. What it backfires you is that you will automatically think of him during your free-time instead. I must say that being productive is so much better than getting yourself busy. Go learn new things, attend activities, sign up for classes, or even picking up your long-lost hobby. I'm passionate about art, & whenever I started drawing, I will think less negatively, because my focus isn't my thought now, but the object that's placed right in from me. You don't need be to artistic to do so; you can try new things such as cooking, hiking, etc. :) I promise you, you'll be surprised just how much happier you can be. Such new habit will eventually be replaced with the new one... & you will slowly kick off the habit of looking at phone & hoping that he will text you again. Or even worst, sending texts that he hates.

Let's face the fact that the relationship is already over, & time will take its way to heal your wound gradually. Learn to love yourself again, & be a better & happier person. Isn't that what attracts the guys the most? You will not only feel better, but realizing that maybe he isn't the right one for you afterall (be it his anger-problem), or the way he treated you before (like verbally-abusing you to berate your self esteem).

I believe so that this journey will benefit me with a positive outcome.

For those who are going through a heartache, I wish you all well. :)

Aug 10, 2015

I'm Back.

How has everyone been doing lately? It has been such a long while since I last did an entry. Basically, I had been pretty busy with my Final Year Collection (Project), & yup, my shitty boring life. The amount of school-work alone can kill me, BUT! I manage to dig out some time for laziness. I have my every own Instagram Account where I upload most of my drawing there, & I'm more active on Instagram as compared to Blogger.

Here's a list of entries I ought to make soon:
-Reviews on Double Eyelid Tapes,
-Kinohimitsu BB Drink,
-Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion
-Anime, Shingeki no Kyojin

(I was being forced to make a Online Portfolio.)
If you guys are interested to take a look, feel free to do so. :)